Thursday, March 31, 2011

Saltbox Spring Hook-In

Saturday, March 19 was the Spring Hook In at Saltbox. We also had "Saving of the Green" (a sale) in conjuction with the hook in.  What a busy day!  It was a packed house, we had to turn down some reservations.  Here are some pictures from the day.  I will try to post more pictures later.



  1. Thanks for making room for us, Patty! All the girls from Springfield had a GREAT time! It's so fun to meet new hookers. I don't know what you guys thought about mine and Tammy's wild color combos!!! We're from the Big City, you know!
    See you in a week at the Boathouse.
    xo, Sheri
    ps I'm LOVIN' my frame and stand!!!

  2. Me again... I'll get a write up done so you can add me to the vendor list for September! I'll bring it with me on the 9th.
